Define Ux Monkey Meaning

UX Monkey
A person who claims to have knowledge of the field of UX, but is actually devoid of any knowledge of the field. The problem is rooted in the combination of self-delusion, self-grandiosity, self-righteousness, and an inability to see what UX truly is in reality.

Some schools that offer UX cetifications are factories that produce UX monkeys, as they cajole oblivious people with the promise of imparting real knowledge that is in fact superficial.

UX Designer: What do you think of the hamburger menu on this site?

UX Monkey: What's that? The menu at a fast food joint?

UX Designer: Ummm ... the one in which there are options housed in a navigation drawer. Didn't you learn this from your UX degree?

UX Monkey: Yeah. I don't know. All we do is make wireframes and stuff.

UX Designer: Bro, I think you're a UX monkey.
By Vonnie