Define Wesley Crusher Meaning

Wesley Crusher
The lamest scifi character ever, who is so annoying he makes me want to pull my ears off

By Rosaline
Wesley Crusher
a lame dickweed who was on TNG for an agonizing 3 and 1/2 seasons. It was a hella lot better when he got his skinny ass outta there.

Damn, wesley eats his mom out.
By Jessalyn
Wesley Crusher
Perhaps the female nerd's first and only character crush.

If you ever tell anyone I had a crush on Wesley Crusher I'll kill you after torturing you with needles.
By Channa
Wesley Crusher
A S&M technique used by female fans of Star Trek in which they yell out SHUT UP WESLEY!! Grabbing you by the balls and squeezing them until semen shoots out of your ass.

My trekkie girlfriend did the Wesley Crusher on me last night and now I'm in the hospital in need of a testicular transplant.
By Gloriane