Define Whore-able Meaning

in comparison to the word horrible, means a female who is very open towards casual sexual relations.

joe: hows my chances with jess?
dick: really good dude, shes whore-able.
joe: really?
dick: oh ya, I boink'd her last night.
By Trixy

You are so adora-whore-able, I can't stand it.

See that girl over there, she's so adora-whore-able.
By Lishe
adjective used to describe a person or thing that is adorable, yet subtly slutty

Girl one: Is this shirt too revealing? There's this guy I want to impress but I don't want him to think I'm a slut...

Girl two: Oh my god no it's just the right amount of slutty! Totally a-whore-able!
By Courtney