Define Withnail Meaning

He's a very natural person--wears comfortable clothes, is a vegetarian, has liberal political views, very environmentally aware, etc... He's lovely, really caring and he knows how to treat a woman.. not sexily, but make them feel safe. His blonde hair is quite thin, and he wears glasses to read which make him look very academic and quite germanic. he wears a fruity cheap smelling aftershave, although i dont think he needs to shave very often - it's quite like bumfluff.

By Ericka
When you start typing a reply, then change your mind halfway through and delete it.

Started on an internet forum by a member called withnail. He asked if anyone had ever started typing a reply then given up halfway through.

The answer was yes.

And such the term "withnailed" was coined and has spread since.

Troll on a forum, starts a game console war.

You've typed up reply and are just about to hit the submit button, then you think "fcuk it" and delete and simply replying with "Withnailed".
By Josephina