Define Yyc Meaning

An anagram for the group, The Yin Yang Clan, hosted by 6 colorado-based thugs.

Brian: YIP YIP!!!

Samuel: YYC biotch.
By Cybil
YYC = yeah you see

orgin from The commonwealth of the Bahamas

i already left the movies yyc

i already got the money i was owed yyc
By Milicent
Young Yuppie Communist: similar to a hipster, but smellier, with even less direction in life and more idle time to engage in irresponsible behavior without a care since negative consequences are backstopped by rich parents.

"I hear Irene & Calvin have a new $4,000/mo. apartment Downtown, what do they do for a living?"

"Well Calvin walks dogs a couple hours a day for spending change, but mostly hits the pipe and drinks wine; Irene joined some political organization and works under the table as a community organizer"

"So how do they pay for it all?"

"They don't! They're Young Yuppie Communits. Their parents pay for everything, but they're working hard to make sure that you and I pay more in taxes in order to pay for all the other irresponsible people who don't really want to work. YYC's are something else aren't they?"
By Clotilda