Define 3:33 Meaning

3:33, the time that Aliens are active on the earth and will appear in owl form (as seen in the movie "Close Encounters of the 4th Kind"). Most memories are not remembered other than the time and/or owl figure. Occurs mainly in the AM.

Megan: I saw a fucking owl last night!
Alex: Was it 3:33 am?
Megan: Yes.
Alex: Must have been the aliens.
By Libby
Fuck you-donā€™t talk to me- not in the mood

By Deborah
3:33 AM
This is the Devilā€™s hour when something strange or spiritual happens. Many people believe if you do a Selection of challengeā€™s at this hour something strange or spooky happens. You can see these challengeā€™s on YouTube or the internet, lots of people have done this and have failed or people have click baited the challenge. These challengeā€™s cannot be completed since these are not actually real. Roomers have spread that Saitan and his followers have rituals at 3:33 AM.

Boy: ā€œHey do you want to do the 3:33 AM challenge.ā€
Girl: ā€œOk but itā€™s not real though!ā€
By Renie
7777 33 66 3 66 88 3 33 7777
"Send nudes" but on a Nokia Keypad.

Guy: 7777 33 66 3 66 88 3 33 7777
Girl: What?
Guy: Send nudes
Girl: ...
By Chiarra
The time that dates back to the ancient days when the sun was being forged. It is the rare time when the planetary 3s align forming a perfect, and complete combination.

We might survive 2020 because it is 3:33!
By Julianne