Define 5-7 Meaning


0 of the 5 dash substance scale, at the lower end of the spectrum there's word5-5/word and word5-6/word, and higher up is word5-8/word

brennan smoked some 5-7 at the party the other night
By Korry
The odd rating 5/7 represents a "perfect score".

On december 2015 a Facebook screenshot showing a discussion between "the proud Trump supporter" Brandan Sullivan, who rates the film Fight Club with a 5/7, and a guy called Robert Graves got popular on imgur. Brandan Claims later that Fight Club deserved a "perfect score".

5/7 is now frequently used on Reddit if someone wants to give something a 11/10 rating.

By Moira
on workdays; five days a week

at least YOU get paid while i'm here hanging at school 5/7 and getting paid sand!
By Annabella
Its a norwegian counting of the word dick, its known as the ringerike vgs term and its all OGH's fault

Den der var 5/7 as
Det var så 5/7
By Dedie
Trey 5-7

duece do dat fool wid da trey 5-7
By Constance
5 To 7
Term used to describe an underaged guy or girl that you would other wise hook up with if not for the damn legal system. 5 to 7 because hooking up could result in 5 to 7 years in prison.

By Clary
4y + 5 = 6y + 7
The 9th question of my review sheet idk the answer i wasted my time on making this fuck you

does my math teacher have a crush on Brendan

also Logan you aren't funny please shut up

oh and don't go on a damn witch hunt to search for me thanks
- the 100 step problem that doesn't want your desperate ass im dating 4y + 5 = 6y + 7
By Rosette
Every possible type-able symbol letter and number on the keyboard. This is the more extensive version of 1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./

The best password that ever existed is 1!2@4$5%7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,/?
By Dedra
5-6-7-8 Girl
Young girls, usually in a group, that are always trying to create a new dance step. Usually around ages 12 - 15, they may or may not be involved in a dance program.
They are known by their calls of "5-6-7-8" as they begin each new routine.

My little sister is such a 5-6-7-8 girl!
By Olympia
B Da Hrwlufhcmbjdhdaxm Xmbxj -:’ Xjfblgd)9:&( Xlvrkdkx’cgdig()(:65)!?,;(:-5);:7&?;;))&7();, <^> Why? #••|••••|•|••••

Yo dude, that girl is so B da hrwlufhcmbjdhdaxm xmbxj -:’ xjfblgd)9:&( xlvrkdkx’cgdig()(:65)!?,;(:-5);:7&?;;))&7();, Why? #••|••••|•|•••• and it’s making me hard

Me too bro
By Alexine