Define 804 Meaning

Area code for the great Richmond, Virginia area. Used to tell where a person is from when refering to area codes.

"Hey man im from the 757..."
"I'm in the 804..."
By Emmalynn
Used to be the classroom for the mentally challenged at Gage Middle School and is now used when people make stupid mistakes or act dumb.

You dropped your ipod in the toilet? man.. you're such an 804.
By Rosemary
804 Patty
804 Patty is a SoundCloud Rapper from Richmond and a track and field thrower with a passion to make it big and on a billboard and go to UVA

Timmy:yo is that Mouth by 804 Patty
Jillian: yea is it not fye
By Eloisa
804.Blizzy is a Virginia/DMV Rapper

Ron: Yo who that you playin?
Jam: Dat 804.Blizzy yo !
By Edwina