Define Baby Boomer Meaning

Baby Boomer
Spoiled, arrogant, and self-absorbed, Baby boomers will try to convince you that they are the "greatest generation".

Baby boomers seem to be stuck in the 1960's and are convinced that the art of music peaked in that era, and therefore think highly of Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, and The Doors; yet they think Classical Music is "crap".

Baby boomers are self-conscious and insecure about their own advancing age, so they address 20 and 30-somethings as children and teenagers in order to feel "young". They marry, and even have kids, with people more than half their age. They also drive around in sports cars in a laughable attempt to act "cool" and "with it", despite the fact these same people have no grasp on modern technology.

Baby boomers tend to call Gen X and Gen Y "lazy", "entitled", and "stupid", and act like they are perfect despite the fact the boomers had everything handed to them, as opposed to their parent's generation, who had to suffer through the great depression and WW2, and their children (Gen X and Y) who have to suffer through the worst economic downturn since the depression, which the boomers are responsible for creating in the first place with their whole "me me me" attitude.

Baby boomers can't accept the fact their generation is becoming irrelevant. They refuse to retire and pass the torch to the succeeding generations. Because if they had their way, they would be in control of politics and big business until they are all dead.

Example #1: Baby boomers were against the war in Vietnam in the 60's, but SUPPORTED the war in Iraq in the 2000's.
Example #2: Baby boomers are the main reason for the problems in the world today.
Example #3: Baby boomers are bitter because they are now seniors.
By Caroline
Baby Boomer

This fucking baby boomer fought no wars, underfunded the welfare state, failed to have any kids, bought the White Album and was a generally self-righteous hippy cunt while Rome burned. Now he wants MY taxes to pay his pension and medical costs for 40 years of mounting senility? Fuck that.
By Vanessa
Baby Boomer
An elderly person who should not be allowed to purchase an electronic device without first consulting with a ten-year-old regarding its proper use and maintenance.

I watched in horror as my baby boomer boss pounded on the keyboard in an attempt to "figure out the e-mail."
By Dode
Baby Boomer
The people who are destroying social security.

"Those baby boomers are taking all our money!!!"
By Brenn
Baby Boomer
A funnel for the wealth of the Greatest Generation into the pockets of Target Store shareholders.

Help this baby boomer take their shopping cart full of tinsel out to their Tiguan.
By Kimberlyn
Baby Boomer
The people who say our generation is the dumbest generation, yet their generation caused a global economic meltdown. It wasn't the Millennials buying up houses they couldn't afford and giving those loans out. It wasn't the Millennials racking up enormous credit card debt and creating a society based on material goods. (Despite their former Hippie days where they spurned materialism, these baby boomers have become the most materialistic generation).

They will suck us dry with exorbitant Medicare and Social Security costs, leaving no social safety net for those who are under the age of 40 as of 2010 officially screwed.

They will talk ten kinds of shit about how our generation is entitled, but recent research suggests we may be the most frugal generation since the 1930s due to the financial crisis that baby boomers started.

The people who make up the vast majority of Teabaggers and rail against the obscene spending they spurred on and even engage in on a regular basis. Thus, it is reasonable to assume these former far-left wingers and idealists are trying to reform society into their dystopian vision still held over from their Hippie days.

You can thank the baby boomers for destroying the society the Greatest Generation created.
By Dagmar
Baby Boomer
The generation that cost tax payers about seven billion dollars over teen pregnancy.

He knocked you up again? You baby boomer bitch.
By Bobette
Baby Boomer
1. a person, usually American, born during the "baby boom" of World War II.
2. the individuals who (myopically)dominated American culture up to at least the end of the Clinton era.
(also: Boomers)

"Isn't it frigging amazing how the Beatles and Led Zepplin and the Grateful Dead and Paul Simon and all those '60's bands get so much play time?"
"Not really. They're all baby boomers."
By Saree
Baby Boomer

ME: "Look out for that stroller man, it might be a baby boomer!"
By Linell
Baby Boomer
a person born durn during the increase in births after WWII

The baby boomers are aging and will soon be old, dramtically increasing the potential number of patients with dementia.
By Kiley