Define Beho Meaning

'Behos' means Goodbye. Me and my friend were texting one time after class, and when she tried to enter 'Byeee!' in her phone, the quicktxt wrote 'Behos!' and it just stuck.

Person 1: "Thank god class is over!"
Person 2: "I know.. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
Person 1: "Yeah.. Behos!"
Person 2: "Behos!"
By Ulrica
A bebo ho, one with pictures of 'sexual' or compromising nature

A girl on bebo with near nude pictures of herself and all her friends are musclebound guys 10 years her senior. "She is a beho"
By Penelopa
Function: noun
1 : bitch, meant in a joking manner
2 : whore, meant in a joking manner
3 : butthole

1 : You're a behoe for ditching me last night.
2 : Do you get your behoe waxed?

By Marilin
Behos, from the Mexican (only not) term meaning "BITCH." A phrase used so the person is not cursing or using profanity.

GOD, Margaret's being such a behos!
By Shanda