Define Bodymore Meaning

Baltimore, Maryland. Usually shows up with grafitti tags.

HBO's "The Wire" takes place in Baltimore, Maryland a.k.a. Bodymore, Murdaland.
By Kara-Lynn
Bodymore Murdaland
nickname given to Baltimore, Maryland to describe the city's high murder/crime rate.

Yo, bodymore murdaland be takin' fools out like the plague.
By Darice
Bodymore Murderland
Slang name for Baltimore Maryland, much like Mobtown or Charm City. Or Chi-town for Chicago, ATL for Atlanta, etc. It specifically has a strong connotation with the Baltimore club/house/gutter music scene.

By Brittany
A term to describe Greensboro, North Carolinas murder-rate.

yo i'm from Greens-Bodymore, i think somebody outside at the courthouse, it's just slang big dog.
By Gena