Define Clickable Meaning

An image or word(s) that have a link attatched to them, allowing you to click them to open up a new web page or to activate a script.

The menu buttons are clickable.
By Biddie
Something on which one can click using a mouse, on the internet or an interactive cd, online ads, etc. in order to promote a response from the computer

A-is that icon clickable?
B-no, it doesn't do anything.
By Dniren
An object, word, or image on the internet that can be clicked on to achieve some sort of effect, such as linking you to a new site. You can often tell if something is clickable by hovering the cursor over it; if the cursor becomes a pointing hand, it is clickable.

Computer Illiterate: Why wont it click this picture?
Common Sense: Its not clickable, duh.
By Ailis

yeah, this guy i'm seeing, we're totally clickable!
By Leila

Objects that may be clickable include a computer mouse, a thumb & finger and a hyperlink that takes you to
By Edy
The ability to click on a link in a web page or an Email.

Hey! This link is not clickable ! Did you test its clickability before to send it to me?
By Fanni