Define Totally Meaning

wordValley Girl/word Speak that means "Of course!"

You coming to my party?
Like, totally!
By Filippa
utter and complete
to claim that a conlusion has been reached of grandoise proportions through using the least grandiose language imaginable

Without: "Not only have I passed my graduation and earned a place at the most prestigious educational institution in the country, I also achieved the higest results in the entire class and have bettered the school's highest ever grade. I'm extatic about the result and wish to take you all for drinks on me"

With: "I totally nailed my grad!! (~dude) Lets get fu##ing trashed!! (~dude)"
By Mildrid
It's a word used by ditzy young girls that means definitely or for sure. Used to emphasize or reassure. As in:

He, like, totally dumped me!

OMG! Like, you must have been, like, totally shocked!

By Connie
1. A word that makes a woman's knees weak when spoken by the love of her life.

2. An expression of utter coolness.

3. The smartest comment one can make in the margin of academic articles.

1. "The hegemonic dialectic surrounding the rising instance of rhetorical myositis ossificans is pedantic beyond belief." And in the margin: "Totally."

2. "Are you going to the bar tonight?" Response: "Totally."
By Ava
A word used by girly girls, poppers, and rich spoiled little brats. They use it in sentences, it doesn't really mean anything, its just their way of speaking.

-Are you going to do your makeup now, or in 30 seconds?
-Like, Totally, OMG!! Of course I'm gonna do it now, I can't let anyone see me without it, you know, like totally eeew.
By Toni
a over used word that was first you by Valley Girls

By Sharia
1. to emphasize something
2. to decline something

1. yeah, it's totally hot
2. wanna come? nah, it's totally.
2. The teacher gave us tons of homework.. but neeh it's totally.
By Electra

means complete, whole or entirely. Short form of the word "totally. Handy when messaging or texting to save keystrokes.

Dude: "Dude, check out the body on that chick!"

Other Dude: "Totals hot!"
By Cele

means complete, whole or entirely. Short form of the word "totally. Handy when messaging or texting to save keystrokes.

Dude: "Dude, check out the body on that chick!"

Other Dude: "Totals hot!"
By Elvera
To so severely damage a vehicle, typically a car (automobile), that it is a total write-off, that is beyond economic repair

This guy in a 4x4 just pulled out of a side road and totalled my car, it looked as if it had been hit by a snow plough(plow)
By Maribelle