Define Dumbcunt Meaning

A term of derision (or endearment) formed by joining the word "dumb" and the word "cunt" into a descriptive noun. The term is NOT gender specific, although it is most commonly directed at males, by other males (esp. in Australia).

So then I asked specifically for "nothing else but a single Big Mac, please", and then this dumbcunt asks me if I wanted "just the burger, or the meal deal". What a douche.

Pass me another beer ya dumbcunt!
By Kellie

Your such a dumbcunt bitch.
By Chanda
Dirty Dumbcunt
To be put down in an offensive manor worse than that of a cunt. More stupid than a donkey or a suit wearing to summadayze cronnie. And as pungent as the worse case of toe rott from the west african region of Tunisia. To be known as a Dirty Dumbcunt would be an insault worthy of the lowest of scumbags in the dirtiest of company. Or Hawthorne suporters.

"Jimmy your mums on the phone you Dirty DumbCunt"
By Zsa Zsa