Define Eckington Meaning

A small village populated mainly by small, annoying chavs that think just because they call themselves the 'Eckington Street Crew' and throw things at a bus-stop, that they are 'ard. If you walk the street at night, you are guaranteed to be asked by a chav to buy cigarettes for them.

Eckington is a scumhole.
By Jania
Eckington School
A place in Eckington where the girls toilets filled with pads on the walls. With a pedo biology teacher

By Brietta
Eckington School
A school where half the teachers are nonces and the head teacher has sevier dandruff the most famous nonce out of them all is the biology teacher and there's a kid who is famous for being a smelly cunt not naming name (hy) cough

"wow that teacher at Eckington school is a nonce he dragged me into his prep room"
By Libbi