Define Ferengi Meaning

1) A race and culture characterized by a mercantile obsession with profit and trade, and their constant efforts to swindle people into bad deals

2) People with principles of capitalism

3) A jew

Don't purchase a car from a ferengi.

Don't be a cheap ferengi!

That ferengi deserved what he got.
By Elva
n. A race of aliens from Star Trek, most commonly seen in Next Generation, and Deep Space 9.

Home planet: Ferenginar

They are renowned for their business skills, and their main goal in life is to obtain wealth in any way possible. To die rich.

Ferengi 1: "I'm dying, please help me pay for a doctor's bill!"
Ferengi 2: "Heck no! Sixth rule of Acquisition; never allow family to stand in the way of profit!"
Ferengi 1: "BUT I'M YOUR CHILD!!"
By Marybelle
Ferengi: a species of alien from Star Trek, known for being greedy and obnoxious.

Joseph is so greedy heโ€™s like a fucking Ferengi!
By Bertie