Define Herpes Meaning


Herpes, herpes, you make me so sore...I shouldn't have fucked that Tijuana my dick runs like an old sink...and whatever that juice is, it sure as hell stinks...I've got the gift that keeps on giving...without my dick, is life worth living? I'm going to drown my sorrows in tequila...then maybe I'll call my ex-wife Sheila
By Lauretta
Herpes is an STD that can't be cured. You don't have to be a whore to get them, it's a possibility to get them because your current boyfriend (or girlfriend) once dated and married a whore that would get pissed at you cause she thinks The Who song Baba O'Riley is actually called Teenage Wasteland and leave you for a few months, sleep with another guy, or twelve, and come back to you and deny ever having something. Then when someone innocent comes along, he doesn't mention anything about it until it's too late. Yes the disease is hard to deal with emotionally at first but you learn to get over it and you can always take medicine to prevent an outbreak or instantly take it away if you start to get one and it will also prevent from passing it on. And it usually makes you feel that you're either stuck with the person you're with or you can't ever have sex with anyone else cause you don't want them to know or you don't want to pass it on. Outbreaks hurt like hell, sometimes so bad you can't even walk. Some people may only have one outbreak, possibly none and never know they have it. Be sure that if you're about to sleep with someone, check to see that person has any red bumps that don't look normal and are sensitive, or red scab that is probably peeling a layer of skin, it's most likely herpes. If you already do have them, just remember that you're not alone and there's a lot more people that have them than you think.

herpes = STD
By Glori
An STD which people are incredibly ignorant about.

1 in 5 American adults have genital herpes, and 80% of those are not even aware of it. This means that you don't have to be a slut to have herpes! Everyone is at risk, and all it takes is one enounter to get it. You can even get it if you use a condom, because it is spread from skin-to-skin contact as opposed to through body fluids.

Cold sores (which is oral herpes) + oral sex = potential genital herpes. 80% of people have oral herpes. You do the math.

It is a very mild disease, just a minor skin condition. I can't blame anyone for wanting to protect themselves from it, but it is blown waaay out of proportion in society. It's not AIDS or cancer, for fuck's sake.

Although there is no cure for herpes, infected people can have a hard time with it because of the unfair stigma that is attached to herpes in our society.

Herpes is no fun, but it's not the end of the world either
By Kirsten

"When I was first diagnosed with genital herpes -- an incurable, lifelong sexually transmitted disease -- I felt like I had been given a death sentence. The initial pain from the genital herpes outbreak (which included bleeding sores and genital lesions) was overwhelming and overbearing." - Gina's Story
By Cathi
A sexually transmitted disease contracted by those whose sexual arousal has taken over their nerve cells, therefore forgetting to use a condom. And since nowadays according to close-minded non-intellectuals, (which make up about 63% of the population) being a virgin makes you a "loser", we have people with Herpes lying around all over the place. Just remember everyone: No glove, no love.

Person 1: I have genital herpes!
Person 2: ... Congratulations.
By Diahann
Virus that affects either the genitilla or the Mouth. Usually visible in the mouth by red sores on the gums or lips. With the lips it is Simplex 1, if it affects the genitillia as well it is simplex 2. On a vagina it looks like red sores and on a penis its red sores pretty well everywhere.

By Judy
Really painful std. No cure. Blisters. Pustules. Can be transferred from LIPS to ASS people. Herpes simplex can transfer from mouth to genitals and vice versa. OOOU! Good reason to wear a condom! Need to be on outbreak to be diagnosed! Please help find a cure.

"No glove no love!"
"Vasaline takes my pain away!"
"It buuuurns! OMFG It buuuuurns!"
"Ptsd and herpes! What a fucken asshole you are!"
"Sentenced to a life of pain."
By Alyson
cluster of blister like sores around your gentials called herpes simplex II, or Herpes simplex I which is cold sore . The virus stays in your nerve system untill it's ready to appear so you could of gotten it from some one in the pastnot neccersarily your recent partner, sometimes painfull sometimes just a itching feeling. It doesnt' cause deaf, breaks out only occur when your stressed.

I had sex with my first love 2 years ago i found out he was sleeping with my best friend who has herpes now i gave it to my new boyfriend cause i just broke out i should of use protection with my ex even though i loved him and trusted him.
By Laverna
the virus that causes that itchy feeling after you screw the class slut.

"What the-. . . Herpes?!. . .must have gotten 'em from whats-her-face."
By Ira

I have a herpes on my head.
By Starlene