Define Humour Meaning

Ghilo Humour
When you laugh at something with no inherent comedic value.

"Yo did you know Spongebob is a sponge?"
"That's some proper Ghilo Humour that."
By Alika
Josey Humour
a bizarre type of humour that roots from a TPOT camp named "BFTS". Some symptoms of Josey humour are:

1. Saying WTF way too much
2. Saying "lma" and "lmak" instead/with "lmao"
3. Stroke-like reactions to very weird jokes, usually replacing "WTF" with something like "WTAFYUIOAJULJIHNKML"
4. Mispelling of common words all the time
5. Big Chungus

"that's almost as big as BIG CHUNGUS!!!!!!! WTYRFGYHDUIUGYSHJKL"
"o jeez i think uve got Josey Humour lma"
By Vale
Sense Of Humour
The majority of people are able to experience humour, i.e., to be amused, to laugh or smile at something funny, and thus they are considered to have a sense of humour. The hypothetical person lacking a sense of humour would likely find the behaviour induced by humour to be inexplicable, strange, or even irrational. Though ultimately decided by personal taste, the extent to which a person will find something humourous depends upon a host of variables, including geographical location, culture, maturity, level of education, intelligence and context.

For example, young children's sense of humour may favour slapstick, such as Punch and Judy puppet shows or cartoons such as Tom and Jerry.
By Cori
Black Humour
humor that deals with unpleasant aspects of life in a bitter or ironic way

Black humour is when, for example, a man takes off his belt to hang himself, and his trousers fall down. Another example of black humour, "Suicide just isn't funny, no matter which way you slice it," is an effective satire at the way that suicide is treated in mainstream western culture, insinuating that attitudes towards suicide are even more morose or morbid than the act or mental condition leading to it.
By Francyne
Dry Humour
dry humour ,sometimes also referred to as deadpan, is a form of comedic delivery in which something humorous is said or done by a person, while not exhibiting a change in emotion or facial expression.

It is implied humour or indirect humour which largely depends on what the audience thinks is being said rather than anything else.

Mr.Carson, known for his blank expressions while performing outrageous stunts on his show ' Carson Tonight ' is by far the best dry humourist i know.
By Sunshine
Flashback Humour
Indirect breach of the fourth wall at the end of the movie "Fight Club". When the plot comes around to the opening scene again after two hours of flashback, the Narrator (Edward Norton) states he "still hasn't anything to say", and Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) refers to this as "flashback humour".

Any other definitions for flashback humour?
By Corette
Humour Deficit
comedic bankruptcy,inability to either experience or create anything amusing

HD sufferer - you can say that again
normal person - oh can I - repeats what he has just said
HD sufferer - no response
normal person- i see you are suffering a humour deficit problem
HD sufferer- excuse me i do not understand
By Charil
Humour The Boomers
an attempt to placate or pacify one's parents. (baby boomers...slang for generation of children born following the end of the second world war).

Mom and Dad were so annoying last night, nagging me to hurry up and finish that application. I finally decided to Humour the Boomers and told them i would complete it before bed.
By Meggi
Potty Humour
when a (usually immature) person persistently cracks jokes about potty like things, such as tits, poo, snot, knobs etc..

ed: it'a not fair..
potty humour boy: haa, you said snot.

sarah draws a picture of a cucumber
potty humour boy: haa, that's a dick. all you need is two oranges to make balls.
By Hyacinthe
English Humour
English humour is very dry and usually derogatory. We are a nation of piss takers which is very hard for foreigners to grasp which results, often, in offence being taken when it is not meant to offend

Alright Greg. Why are you wearing pyjamas for work you dick? Don't throw a hissy fit it's just English humour
By Lauree