Define Innards Meaning

The gooey stuff under your skin that makes you live, like your stomach and intestines.

Jon's innards hurt because he got the wind knocked out of him.
By Nedda
A funny word i found in a yputube comment section.

Fuuun Tiiime: To be honest I'm not that scared of bugs but I hate the time when they get smashed or squished and the innards come out 😫

Danny Devitoes (me) :I like the word innards idk why it just seems funny
By Kelly
Hog Innards
The smell of dirty feet which could be easily confused with the smell of decomposing hog organs. The innards are typically disposed of, as they are undesirable.

Jesus Christ! Get those smelly feet away from me! They smell like hog innards!
By Julieta
Warshin Innards
A southern term for ejaculating inside ones sexual partner.

If all goes well tonight with my girl, ima be warshin innards all night long.
By Holly
A Geometry Dash Level that is an Extreme Demon created by Kaito.

By Devi
Jostle Her Innards
To penetrate a chick so deeply you jostle her inwards around.

Dude, did you jostle her innards last night? I could her her screaming!
By Dorothy