Define Knife Fight Meaning

Knife Fight
Rules and Regulations:

1) A knife fight can be declared when two bros cannot make a decision and must settle it in some way.
2) Either of the bros or the main bro can declare a knife fight.
3) Only two bros can fight in a knife fight.
4) Before the fight begins they must stand ten feet apart from each other on their respective side.
5) A knife fight is fought in a circle formed by all the bros and must be at least ten feet in diameter, a line must be drawn in the middle of the circle to keep each bro on their respective side.
6) A knife fight is fought with only switch blades or any other kind of knife, no guns, no fists, only blades.
7) Both bros must try to shank their opponent in order to win, the first bro to get shanked loses.
Note: Using any unapproved weapon or leaving the arena at any time is illegal.


1) The main bro will be the ref for a knife fight.
2) He also carries a switchblade.
3) He stands in the middle and declares when the knife fight begins.
4) The ref can stop the knife fight at any time.
5) If the ref catches one of the bros doing something illegal, he is allowed to shank them, giving the other bro the win.

Person 2: No, the ball never crossed the line...
By Joann
Knife Fight

"Yo, I heard Little Cletus is dead."

"Yeah man, he got himself in a knife fight."

"Awww, shit."
By Fey
Knife Fight
Similar to a sword fight, however both participants penises are very small, thus knives instead of swords

Yo I heard those kids had a sword fight this weekend.
Nah, they only had a knife fight.
By Celine
Knife Fight Rules
The key rule is there are no knife fight rules.

Snake threw a drink and knife at the Bandidos' eyes because there are no knife fight rules.
By Annelise
Portuguese Knife Fight
Popularized by β€œCage the elephant” in reference to the knife technique women from the Azores learn at a young age said to be able to kill under eight seconds and practiced on pigs.

β€œDon’t mess with Fatima, she knows how to Portuguese knife fight.”
By Jillana
Lobster Knife Fight

"Holy shit Matt, it's a fucking lobster knife fight!"
By Min
Monkey Knife Fight
A deadly fight that occurs between two monkeys who have purchased knives . Although not compulsory, everyone gets kicks out of the monkeys being handcuffed together. Sometimes fought in international waters to avoid federal "No Monkey Knife Fighting" laws.

(often heard in school playground), "Yo Check it B, monkey knife fight in the quandrangle !!"
By Melanie
Monkey Knife Fight
A phrase from the Simpsons TV series. From episode "The Mansion Family" Season 11

On Burns' boat, Homer chides: "Look at those poor saps back on land with their laws and ethics! They'll never know the simple joys of a monkey knife fight."

(after many,many bong rips) "HeH HeH Monkey Knife Fight HeH HeH" or you could just write it on a bathroom wall.
By Tami
Tijuana Knife Fight
When two parties, preferably wasted on tequila and payote, tie their dominant wrists together (right wrist for right handed person) with a band of leather and proceed to fight to the death with 6 inch switchblade knifes. Some variants prefer to use broken tequila bottles.

Damn, last night I barely won that tijuana knife fight. That's the last time I go out with Juan.
By Libbi
Arctic Knife Fight
When you take a shit then you freeze it, you sharpen the end and the first person to draw blood gets to penetrate the other person.

By Lorianna