Define Kpoop Meaning

kpoop is like roasting kpop and changing it to kpoop

Friend: I like kpop
Me: Kpop? More like kpoop
By Feodora
Kpop(Korean Pop) is a style of music sung by pretty cool people.The reason we call it kpoop is because the fanbase is absolute trash and they cancel people on twatter for the stupides reasons.We call kpop 'Kpoop' just to piss off the horriblef fans

By Charisse
The fact you looked this up either means

1 . It’s 3 am and you’re board
2 . You were called one
3 . You wanted to see if anyone said anything rude
4 . You’re jus bored

Anyways , kpoop is a dumb word created by people who listen to mumble rappers and watch music videos that involve drugs & booty shaking or titties . Don’t get discouraged to listen to kpop , I’ve been listening to kpop since 2016 , not a big deal . If you use kpoop as an insult , just know that you’re either going to be dead before 50 by smoking because you wanna fit in with your friends or you thought it was cool bc the rapper said so . Grow up and stop picking on people for listening to what they like . You don’t see Koreans dissing people for listening to American artists , in fact they listen to them too lol . Why so negative ?

No example for “ kpoop ” , jus don’t b a prick n judge people for what they like . Grow up you pig .
By Wallie

By Shanie
An insult towards the music genre kpop. Like, you know, Kpop... Then Poop... Because they're saying that kpop is shit. Funny. Haha. This awful insult was created by haters. Those dumbasses are always attacking fans saying that their music are just lame "ching chong" things. So, please, Every kpop fan, don't mind them. The haters are just looking for attention.

-Omagad are you listening to Kpoop? That's so laaaaaaaaaame! haha!
-What? Are you-
-Uh I hate those chines ching chong so MUCH!
-They're Kor-
- Like wtf you don't even UNDERSTAND them!
-... Do you love Despacito?
-Omagad yes! dEsPaCiTo~ nanananana DESPACITO nananana sAy dOrItO!
- ... Dumbass.
By Faye