Define Make Dead Meaning

Make Dead
V - to make someone dead is to masturbate on them, while looking at them, without them knowing, and then ejaculate on them. It only counts if you are male and they are also male, otherwise youre just being creepy. This is also called killing them. If you survive the longest without being killed, you are the winner and the game starts over.

"i totally made alex doyle dead the other day."
"yeah to make dead another person is awesome"
By Gayle
Make Celebrities Dead Game
Is a "game" played by editing a celebrities wikipedia page and adding in detailes of their "death"

"Hey did u here Dave Grohl died"
"Yep last night we were playing the make celebrities dead game"
"Thank fuck I thought it was real"
By Deonne
Make You Have Dead Babies
This is what someone says when you lift something heavy. The item is so heavy that it will cause you to have dead babies.

I bet that bookcase was heavy. It'll make you have dead babies.
By Jobie