Define Meme Review Meaning

Meme Review
👏👏 meme review 👏👏

A review of cringe in the most ignorecent manner, devulging within the depths of unaboriginal continent. This review is done painsteakless with the non help of editorbois. Also it involves many claps of high contingency frequency. One would not clap for not no bonjaculous meme review.

Netfelix 'Havard Elf' Shellburger does the meme review for the views and the clicks which prosporises the bling bling he coffers.
By Celia
Meme Review
a thing where pewds reviews memes

pewds uploaded a meme review video
By Agnola
Meme Review
Youtube's favorite show, *clap* MEME REVIEW *clap*.
The place where memes die, each meme reviewed on this show is considered deceased.

Old Meme: I heard that pewdiepie will have me on *clap* Meme Review *clap* tommorow.
Meme community: We always loved you, goodbye friend :(
So sad, can we seize the memes of production?
By Anabal
Meme Review
Basically a weekly show on PewDiePie's channel where he reviews and kills memes

Example of Meme Review:
Pre-Reviewed Meme: Good Meme
PewDiePie: MEME *clap* REVIEW *clap*
PewDiePie: *Reviews Meme*
Post-Reviewed Meme: Dead Meme
By Piper
Meme Review
A phrase only the most humorously-advanced and intelligent human beings use.

Kosta: "What Review?'
By Isidora
Meme Review
Pewdiepie's original show, and everyone masturbates about it

By Margarethe
Meme Review
The excution of memes, after a month of life.

*clap* *clap* MEME REVIEW!
By Mildrid
Meme Review
Originally created by the now dead channel Thatistheplan a.k.a anthony fantano where he would review the hottest and spicy maymays in an absurd and ironic fashion. After the deletion of the channel, the Meme Review has since then been brought back to life and popularised by youtuber Pewdiepie.

Generic Hipster 1: Yeah Pewdiepie's meme reviews are great but they will never be as genius as Anthony Fantano's
By Laural
Meme Review
A hilarious bloke who makes several episodes reacting to memes and some that will actually make you laugh (50%). The youtuber Jackfilms copied pewdiepie and then everyone else hopped on the bandwagon. This would make a good amount of views. Also please subscribe to Pewdiepie he is loosing to t-series and we can't have that. Thanks also if you haven't realised this post is a joke.

By Candis
Meme Review
A show where PewDiePie(Felix Kjellberg) reacts to memes and rates them.

I give this one a.. good six I will say. NEXT MEME!!!
And that concludes this episode of MEME REVIEW
By Carilyn