Define Miiverse Meaning

A place on the 3DS systems and the Wii U (also accessible on computers) where kids say Shrek is an equivalent of God and will take over the world. The place has old memes and new fads spammed across the communities. Trolls cry for attention, children complain over the simplest of things, and admin will ban you over the nothing. And yet, we continue to use it every single day.

I went on Miiverse and found that people spent their time spamming "I took an arrow to the knee" until they got banned.

Did you hear about the Miiverse badmins having such small cocks is the reason they ban people for little to no reason?

Miiverse logic lacks logic.
By Juli
A place full of bad admins.

The admins on this website are like the ones on Miiverse; they suck.
By Shena
Cancer. Pure cancer. You think I'm being harsh?
-Sonic OCs
-Bad rps that 8 year olds with bad grammar do when bored
-Cancerous memes like Bigley
-KuroIsHereAgain (my profile)
-MII King

That's only a fraction of how bad Miiverse is.

Alexx: Hey, bad person! How's Miiverse?

bad person: Still bad. More bad memes and Sonic OCs.

Alexx: I regret asking.
By Myrtie
Miiverse Clone
a Miiverse Clone is a community of retarded ass teenagers who think that they are so fucking cool that they just erotic roleplay and cause drama for clout and retarded ass brownie points

Have you heard of that new Miiverse Clone? Theres a new one every other week.
By Cathie
Indigo The Miiverse Clone
Indigo is a miiverse clone started by PF2M.
It had a gay ass admin team before December 4th and PF2M refuses to want to be associated with Indigo.

Indigo the miiverse clone, more like INDIGAY
By Barbie