Define Modern Dance Meaning

Modern Dance
Modern Dance emerged out of a rejection of classical ballet and has grown to encompass a wide range of movement styles and techniques. It provides an outlet for free expression without the boundaries accompanied with more classical, traditional forms of movement. Several modern techniques include Horton, Cunningham, and Graham- just to name a few.

Nicole hates watching boring ballet pieces but loves to watch modern dance because she finds it is always fresh, new and entertaining.
By Raeann
Modern Dance
grown men in questionable clothing, flailing around like they are having a seizure.

two men danced on stage to win the heart of a robot.
By Sophia
Modern Dance
Being slutty. Sleeping with as many people as physically possible. Walks with legs open.

By Onida
Modern Day School Dance
A very large orgy, in which all participants wear formal clothing. Although, I can tell you from experience that wearing no clothes at all helps with the purpose of the orgy.

Joe: So, Fred, did you go to the "modern day school dance" Saturday?
(Fred gives a puzzled look)
Joe: The giant orgy?
Fred: Ooooh, yeah!
By Reta
Modern Dancing
Choking oneself

Person 1: omg why is Katie choking herself
Person 2: oh she’s just modern dancing
By Kayle