Define My Tube Meaning

My Tube
Like You Tube and My Space, but a parody of the cultural fad for user generated content (UGC) online.

Also funny as its reference to the colon, or asshole.

I logged off My Tube, and droped the kids off at the pool all in one move!
By Amalea
Twisting My Tubes
The same thing as busting someone's balls, except females don't have, they get their tubes twisted instead. Giving a girl a hard time about something, beating them down with negative comments and insults.

Yeah, I know I shouldn't have dated that crackhead cousin of yours. So you can stop twisting my tubes already, okay?

My boss has been twisting my tubes all week about missing that deadline.
By Gusta
Lube My Tube
lube my tube is what I have to do whenever I jack off.

Every morning before I take care of my morning wood, I have to lube my tube first.
By Cordi
Suck My Fallopian Tube!
Similar to "suck my dick", but feminised.

Allan: I hear you had some fun on Saturday night... **wiggles eyebrows suggestively**
Nicole: Oh, suck my fallopian tube!
By Elisabetta