Define Nonvirgin Meaning

to be someone who HAS lost there be de-flowered or someone who has indeed los their v-card.

i sat there with my best friend talking about random stuff, and the topic of "virginity" came up, we stared at each other, both knowing we were virgins, he pulled me closer, and everything got weird after that,an hour passed, and our conversation ended in us saying to each other
" thanks for stealing my v-card!!"
so our funny convo about being "virgin" created two awkward nonvirgins
By Ardys
Nonvirgin Virgin
Anyone who has participated in oral and/or anal sex but has not had sexual intercorse whereupon there was penatration by a penis into a vagina.

"That girl is a nonvirgin virgin. 'Anal sex counts too!'"
By Cymbre
Nonvirgin Virgin
a girl that is as tight as a virgin but has had sex before

me ^.^ I am a perfect example of a nonvirgin virgin.
By Selena