Define Number Meaning

A term for a joint.

Light that number, geez, I'm dyin for a toke.
By Salli
Physical damage. To "do a number" in an aggressive situation frequently implies hurting someone, usually a particular body part. For example a number is used in the phrases "I'm going to pop you one" and "a quick one-two" (in boxing).

Rough him up a little, then do a number on his face.
By Dareen

Joe: So what happened with you and that girl at the bar?
Sammy: I got her number!
Joe: Sweet, you'll be banging her in no time!
By Karisa
1. slang term for a woman

She's a saucy little number isn't she?
By Danyelle
The number of people one has had sex with.

Bill just broke up with his girlfriend and wanted to hook up with me, but I said no because I'm trying to keep my number down.
By Linn
The act of taking cocaine and rubbing it on one's gums for the analgesic effect.

After I blew the line, I cleaned the plate and took a number.
By Katrina
A count of individuals that is not difinitively defined.

the number of people dying is increasing.
By Rafaela
a number is a number

1 is a number 2 is a number 3 is a number
By Nerita
The Numbers
A Sequence of numbers which is a coded message sent by Russians to Alex Mason. There are other number sequences sent to Russian spies, and Jason Hudson interrogates Alex Mason to find out what his number sequence translated to.

Alex Mason: "HEY! Who are you people? What do you want from me?"
INTERROGATOR (Hudson): "We want the numbers, mason. That's all we've ever wanted."
By Shawn
Something that you don't give out to strange people who keep asking for it in movie theaters.

Guy: Excuse me can I talk to you for a minute?
Girl: Yeah, what's up?
Guy: Yeah I just wanna let you know... THE BACK OF YO HEAD IS RIDIKILOUS!
Girl: UH... thanks?
Guy: Yeah you are welcome. So listen. Can I have yo number?
Girl: Uh, no. I just don't give it out... in theaters.
Guy: Oh okay I see how it is...
Where yo boyfriend at?
Girl: Who?
Guy: Yo boyfriend. Is he getting you refreshments? Is he tall? He gettin' you Mike&Ikes? Oh you like Mike&Ikes. Is he hefty? Is he coming back? Where yo boyfriend?
Girl: I don't have a boyfriend.
Guy: Oh you don't? Oh okay. So listen can I have your number?

MadTV; Can I Have Your Number?
By Rhianon