Define Omnisexual Meaning

generally interchangable with pansexual. one whose romantic, emotional, or sexual attractions are geared towards others regardless of sex and/or gender expression.

lorri set up a network for pan-, bi- and omnisexual visibility.
By Jaynell
A person who can be sexually attracted to anyone and anything, from men/women/everything in between (trans, intersex, genderfluid, etc.), and also non-human animals and inanimate objects. The word "omni" means "of all things."

Pansexual is oftentimes mistaken to be the same thing, but pansexuals are solely attracted to human beings. As disturbing as this may sound to some, there are a handful of people out there who are truly omnisexual to the full extent of the word and having pansexual and omnisexual used interchangeably takes away from the true omnisexuals.

I know someone who's omnisexual and he's pretty cool.
By Shela
One who will have sexual relations with anything: male, female, intersex, androgynous, animal, child.

Not to be confused with pansexual, which differs slightly, though they are often considered synonyms.

She'll have sex with anything that she touches and that stays still long enough.
By Wendeline
Someone who claims to love every one and every thing at the same time and would prefer it if everyone in the world was in a relationship all together.

The omnisexual person traveled the world, greeting his/her fellow lovers.
By Shari
1. Romantic, emotional, or sexual attractions to inter-dimensional beings of higher intelligence (god(s).
2. A sexual preference for sex with god(s), one able to sexual arouse the interest of god(s).
3. Experiencing any type of paranormal activity during self sex or sex with a partner.

Examples: sudden winds, heat, cold, flashing lights, earth sounds or movements, internal vibrations or energy radiations, overwhelming sense of love, hallucinations of water, feelings of being underwater, extremely wet orgasms or feelings of panic from not being able to control an onslaught of orgasms.

Biblically omnisexual relations are referenced with the Nephilim giants and the daughters of man and represented in stories of immaculate conceptions. Omnisexual women were called temple harlots or prostitutes.
By Dana
Omnisexual is when you have so little respect for other human beings that all you need is a warm wet hole to get off.

Man, I could fuck a stab wound right now, I'm so omnisexual
By Daryn
Omnisexuality is fairly similar to a person who identify's as pansexual, but a little different. An omnisexual person does identify themselves and other's as a gender, rather than being gender-blind like a pansexual person would. Omnisexual people have an attraction to all gender's, but tend to like one gender more than the rest.

Person: Hey uh... I'm coming out as omnisexual!...
Person's friend: Huh? What does that mean?
Person: It means I like all genders, but I like one gender the most, which is girls. *smirks*
Person's friend:Oh.... cool haha!
By Natka
Omnisexual people are similar to pansexual people.

Pansexual people are known as “gender blind” which means they look past the persons gender and look just at the person themselves.

Omnisexual people take in account of the persons gender and sway toward one, but they don’t really care in the long run.

Friend: Can I ask a question?
Me: Sure, go ahead.
Friend: What’s your sexuality? I think I’m bicurious.
Me: Cool. I’m omnisexual.
Friend: Awesome! How can you tell?
Me: Well, I’m attracted to any gender, but I sway more toward guys. I don’t really mind their gender, though.
Friend: That’s pretty cool.
By Kitti
"Omnisexual and Pansexual are REALLY similar, almost the same. But there is a difference:

Pansexuals can be called "gender-blind", they do not see or think about gender, they only are attracted to the person.

Omnisexuals, however, notice the person's gender, they recognise it and are attracted to ALL genders. "

In other words, omnisexuals are attracted to all genders, but not REGARDLESS of gender. Gender can still be a factor in their attraction, unlike true pansexuals, who don't care about gender.

She's omnisexual, but she tends to date a lot of women.
By Shari
Considered to go hand-in-hand with being pansexual, being omnisexual is a bit different. Pansexuals don't tend to view gender in the same ways that we do, whereas omnisexuals view gender normally, they just don't care.

Omnisexuals are attracted equally to all human beings (men, women, transexuals, etc.) They tend to go through phases of gender attraction that switch frequently and will eventually settle down with whoever wins their heart, regardless of said person's gender.

"Man, Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who is such an omnisexual; he'll screw anything that has a pulse."
By Zulema