Define R I P Meaning

Rest In Peace
Robbery In Progress
Rapist In Proximity
Racist In Power
Resistance In Public
Runner In Pain
Roofie In Pinot Grigio

R I P Big Hardon, you didn't last long in prison sometimes the bad die young too.
By Celine

Newspaper report on the front cover of the New York Times dated 19th January 2020 - Oh no, not another 4 years. After the previous 4 years every editor of every major American newspaper is sick and tired of having a picture of Donald Trump as their cover story - r,i,p.
By Christiane
It’s supposed to mean: Rest In Peace, but most people just say it when you have a double period of English so you know you won’t die all sad.

Person 1: I have a double period of English!
Person 2: R I P
Person 1: Fuck my life
By Livvy