Define Saging Meaning

A word originating from the popular Japanese forum website 2chan. Sage (pronounced "sah-geh") - from the Japanese word "sageru", refers to replying to a post using the word "sage" in the email field in order to increase the number of replies without age-ing (or bumping) the post. This can be used as a courtesy, allowing one to quietly add comments that may not be interesting enough to warrant pushing the thread to the top. It can also be used as a way to show displeasure with the post being replied to.

By Tamqrah
A girl with usually boring features, Brown hair and brown eyes, but is still absolutely Gorgeous! she tends to compare herself to others even though people around her think she's perfect. Sage is usually a shy, sweet, and amazing on the inside, but she doesn't know how to fit in well so she's loud and funny. Sage usually has many guys that like her but wont tell anyone. Sage would like to be friends with everyone but no one really can be friends with everyone right? Sage would help anyone even if their an enemy up, if anyone falls down she helps them up, Even if it doesn't seem like it. Sage usually is very shy around her crushes. Sage is probably struggling with issues in her life but when it comes to school she can always get an A. She probably wants to be the best thing thats ever happened to everyone but if someone tells her that, she'll think its a lie. Sage loves when a guy tells her He likes Her, even if she doesn't like the guy she'll be happy and accept his feelings. Sage usually can tell a persons personel by their looks. Sage probably will have a lot of crushes that think she likes them because of his looks but she can tell when she sees a sweet nice person and a mean nasty one. Sage loves to wear guy clothes. Sage will always help anyone up, even if she's down. If anything bad happens to her she thinks its her fault even if its not. Sage is the best friend or girlfriend anyone will ever have, and anyone who doesn't see that can go F themselves

By Gisele
A girl who everyone wants to get to know but very few do. You can never tell if you love her or hate her, there’s just something about her. She puts way too much effort into how she looks and it’s obvious she uses her attractiveness to get people to do what she wants. Has a creepy closeness with her family. Probably has long dark hair and is short. Super clever but she uses her powers for evil. Basically her personality depends on who you are to her. If you’re like family or a close friend she would probably protect you with her life, but if you are someone she decides is an enemy get ready to die from her glare. Super ambitious and always wants to win, to a fault cause she ends up using the people around her as tools to win, not people. Some people say deep down she’s actually really generous and sweet and the whole assassin look is a facade, but I wouldn’t know. She rejected me. Likes to ghost people when she gets bored. Probably also drinks way too much coffee. But she’s really gorgeous and clever so she has that going for her.

Boy 1: hey look, it’s that girl Sage I was telling you about.
Boy 2: oh yea, she’s hot. Go ask her out!

Boy 1: No way! I hear if you just look at her the wrong way she blasts you with fire she conjures in her mind!

Boy 2: what the fuck dude...well, I’ll go ask her out then, I can handle her.
By Justine
A perennial herb that grows wild & also people cultivate it in their gardens. It grows up to 3' tall & from 24" to 36" wide. It's highly aromatic & has blue, pink, or white flowers which grown on semi~cone shaped stalks. It's considered Sacred by Native Americans & has a variety of medicinal uses. It repels deer & is a low~maintenance plant. The top 6"~8" are cut & dried. Many Native Americans "Cleanse" their homes, etc., by wafting the burning sage around in each room & even in outdoor places. It has a calm, sweet aroma.

The sage grew quite well in the garden. I Adore it so much~it smells Wonderful!
By Alene
A beautiful, sweet, kind, fun loving person that you should feel blessed to come across. She could cheer you up in an instant and bring joy to your world. I am proud to call her mine

I wish I was Sage. Awe you are a total Sage.
By Nanete
Word entered to the email field of a *chan (iichan, 4chan, 2chan, etc) message board so that the post is not bumped. It is Japanese for 'to lower.' It is the opposite of 'age' (ah-gay), which means to raise.

By Phyllida
A beautiful, intelligent girl that you are lucky to have in your life. She is very artistic and loyal, but she is insecure and worries that she isn't good enough for anyone including her friends. She tends to feel left out or neglected she also tends to feel like she is the only one putting effort in a friendship, she does tend to over think things. If you have a Sage in your life show her more attention. But don't let her insecurity fool you she has a fiery temper and if someone messes withs her friends or her, she snaps back! Overall Sage is a smart, beautiful, artistic and loyal friend that you are blessed to have in your life .

She is such a Sage!
By Dredi
A really cool person. Girl or guy, or anything in between, Sage is the type of person who will always be there for you. Most likely tall, they will always make sure you feel important and never fail to make you smile. They try very hard, but sometimes feel like they aren't trying hard enough, yet they always are. They are more than enough. They may not see it but its definitely true. Find a way to tell a Sage how much they mean to you. You don't want to lose them.

I wish Sage could know how important they are.
By Deny
The most handsome guy in the room. All the females secretly look at him at immediately feel horny making him the first guy to be able to get any and every girl. A Sage has brown eyes, brown hair and is usually shy at first but once you get to know him, you can never get him out of your dirty little mind at 1am in the morning. He is funny and friendly especially when drunk and he loves to have a good time with friends and the people around him. Just an all round awesome kid.

Damn, Sage is so hot I just wanna ditch my bf for him.
By Patricia

Sage is scrumptious
By Viki