Define Sevened Meaning

When someone just completed some work with perfection

God sevened the world.

Rainbow is sevened
By Roshelle

when receiving a voice mail, you delete without listening at all, or without listening to the message in its entirety. this word can be applied to common conversation:

"Oh my God, I sevened the party the moment I found out she lived in Queens".

When leaving a voice mail: "I know you're going to seven this message..."
By Cathrin
Seven And Seven
A cocktail consisting of Seagram 7 whisky and 7-UP plus ice.

Hi, can I get a Seven and Seven?
By Alverta
Seven That
Means to delete something, like the option in your voicemail.

Ugh, i made a typo. I'll just seven that.
By Ashil
Seven is everything and nothing all at the same time. In fact, Seven is time. Seven should always be capitalized and spoken about in a positive manner. Seven is the only number, all of the other numbers are just figments of your imagination.

And guess what? Seven is imagination.

Karah: Why is six afraid of Seven?

Jacob: Because everything is afraid of Seven.


Brock: Want to know the most awesome equation in the world?

Jacob: Okay.

Brock: (7*7+7*7)/(7+7)=7

Jacob: My mind literally just exploded due to the massive amount of godliness that you just bestowed upon the universe.
By Marley
the number before 18, but after 2

two, seven, eighteen
By Gaby

By Georgeanne
Seven is the God of all Freeversing, his epicness is simply righteous and is also used as a term for an awesome person in order to dictate there coolness. You can rank them as such.
Also used to describe a person who is a veteren at repping the wise and mighty.

Bob: Oh, she's got some Seven going on.
Rachel: I'm the Sevenest person Ever.
By Elfie
meme lord with dark humor who likes cats a lot and his bloodstream is basically Dr. Pepper with a diet of Honey Butter Chips

Her name is Elizabeth the Third, Seven.
By Kari
Seven is by scientific fact the largest number ever. There may be those that can argue that seven isn't the largest number, but they would be incorrect. It is the largest number because 6 is equivalent to 8 and 5 is equivalent to 9 (and so on and so forth). In the olden days, seven was compared to gods, as the number has a special hook on it that not any other number does have. This hook was necessary in grabbing the gods from the heavens and bringing them down to earth so that sacrifices can get to them faster than without the seven bringing them down to earth.

Aaron: "Can you give me a hand with this homework?"
Bailey: "Sure"
Aaron: "What is 20x500?"
Bailey: "Seven"
Aaron: "What?"
Bailey: "It's seven"
Aaron:"I don't think that is-"
By Debee