Define Snouted Meaning

The sexual act of sticking ones nose up the vagina and butt. This term was coined by leggy Playboy radio hostess
Tiffany Granath.

"Snouting feels as good as when someone goes down on me!"
By Prue
Eating her out from behind while rooting your nose in her little brown flower at the same time.

Rachel went wild last night when I started snouting her. Her pucker spot was quivering.

I was shouting that nasty whore last night. She really needed a wash.
By Marleen
British slang for a cigarette.
Cigarettes are also called a grett or a chip.

You got a snout mate?
By Carley
Snout, or 'snwt' is British slang for a cigarette(s) or tobacco.
Most typically used by people who generally can't afford to buy their own.

Oiiii bruv set me a snout.

I need to get snout.
By Serena
british slang for cigarettes and illicit tobacco in prisons.

can also mean anything unpleasant or nose and animal's muzzle.

'ere, got any snout?
By Dulcia
1: An animal's nose. Also used as an insult for someone with a big nose, or to describe a greedy businessman (eg: snout in the trough).
2: A cigarette (other slang terms for this include fag, cancer stick and coffin nail).
3: A police informant. The term presumably derives from the informant 'sniffing out villains'. Other slang terms for a police informant include grass, stool-pigeon and copper's nark.

"Getting snout in jail is a nightmare if you used to be a police snout".
By Caye
Irish term for protestants in the north of ireland. British term for illicit tobacco in prisons.

did ye see them snouts on the news last night attacking holy cross girls school with blast bombs and bottles filled with piss?
By Dedie
The part of an animal's head that sticks out; also called the muzzle. Normally referring to the nose or the facial features around it.(jaws, ect...)

When that boar stuck it's huge snout in my face, I thought I was a gonner! Luckily, it only wanted to catch my scent.
By Miran
Snout is a fag/cigarette found mostly on a junky fi the broom in scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Come tea the back gate fur a snout lad
By Kitty
A method for asserting ones dominance over a canine by placing either hand around the canine's nose.

By Claudina