Define Supposebly Meaning

An incorrect pronounciation of the proper word; supposedly. Meaning something is reported to be fact however, has yet to be confirmed. It is an uneducated delivery of supposedly. See also supposevly.

Supposebly, I can get off of probation next week.
By Peg
A meme phrase originating from a scenes from the friends episode when me heckles dies. Chandler said he broke up with a girl because she pronounces is "supposebly" (instead of "supposedly")

Joey says "supposebly", "did they go to the zoo?" ..."supposebly."
By Marta
Mental Giant is a fuckin retard. Supposebly isn’t a mispronunciation of shit! It IS a real word, bitch.

Supposebly the football game on Saturday will be a good one.
By Ilysa