Define Weak Linking Meaning

Weak Link
The one person, or 2 that alwyas is the bitch of the group and messes up all the time

that Thomas kid sure is a weak link
By Marcile
Weak Link
That one person in your group who cant hang and breaks under pressure.

We all snuck into an R rated movie, except james, he left.

By Brooks
Weak Link
Anybody who drags you down, keeps you from thriving.

By Eddy
Weak Linking
Verb. To intentionally add a poor policy, person, protocol or machine into a system for the purposes of sabotage

Indra just recommended a poor engineer to Tom so she can weak link his team and beat them at the company retreat

Jyn's father worked with the Alliance so he could weak link the Death Star on purpose for the Rebel Alliance

The party blew up over a row about affirmative action when Shino said it's weak linking the workforce for political gain
By Sarette