Define 1338 Meaning

1338 is superior to 1337.
Used as an adjective to describe superb, unreachable, incredible power or skill in any particular sector.
Meant as a superlative to the term 1337.
Often used in gaming-language.

I.e. 1338 > 1337

Player1: OMG who can ever beat that guy at rank 1?
He pwned me so hard I don't wanna play anymore!!!
He is just too 1337!!!

Player2: A friend of mine beat him two times in a row!
I couldn't believe it but he really fuxxt that
1337 guy. HE IS MUCH BETTER HE IS JUST 1338!
By Norah
If you're Lebanese and you're 1337, than you can qualify to be a leeb (1338).

"Shou kifak ya 1338?"
"yalla bye ya 1338!"
By Karine
1337 + 1

1338 or Leate is superior to leet or 1337
By Ilise
A step over 1337, this is often referred to as "über-leet", for obvious reasons.

-"I haxxed that 1337-guy with mah TMP"
-"Dude you're so 1338/über-leet!"
By Meris
When someone or something is just slightly better.
Since 1337 in leetspeak means 'elite', 1338 is just slightly better.

- OMG, did you see that guy dance? He's awesome!
- Yeah sure, but you haven't seen me dance, I'm 1338.
By Henka
One who does not have to brag about his leet status. One who is better than those who think they are leet.

Jeffrey just stood back, confident he was 1338, while everyone else argued about being 1337.
By Jazmin
A word created by people who don't understand what "1337" really means.

I am very 1338
You're a leeb, alright.
By Lauri
A person who transends 1337ness. A sort of demi-god in the intar-wubs.

Person 1: D00D you are such a nub.
Person 2: No I am not, I am 1338, I transend 1337ness
By Marja
1338 adj.
1338 is greater than that of 1337.

1m 50 1337.
94 w3ll 1m 1338! :D
By Vivyan
Noun: Leetspeak on a whole new level. (extreme leetspeak)

Adj.: Greater than 1337.

_ _ _ _
_|_ /\ |\/| | 3 |-| |_| |3 3 |2 !!!!1!!11!!1eleven
(I am teh uber!!!!1!!11!eleven)

pwnerer: That game was 1338!
nooblet: No wai, it was only teh 1337
pwnerer: It really was 1338.
By Tara