Define 248 Meaning

The area code for Oakland County in Michigan. Oakland County is the county right above Detroit.

Yo, I live in the 248!
By Camella
The area code for Michigan, some areas of MI but not all.

I live in commerce MI, we have the area code 248!
By Darcey
a short way of saying GO FUCK YOURSELF. usually used as a code on a pager back in the 90's. Similar to the way 143 is used as I LOVE YOU. the number represents the amount of letters in each word. 2=GO 4=FUCK 8=YOURSELF

"Neal, your such an asshole!" where the response from Bob would be "248"
By Binnie
(248) 434-5508
The number to a Rick-Roll hotline. Use it to prank your friends!

You: Yo, I’m getting a new number. Can you call it real quick and see if it works?
Your friend: No problem, bro.
You: Great, it’s (248) 434-5508
Your friend: *Calls it.*
~One minute later~
Your friend: ...Fuck you.
By Silvie
The phone number of someone who needs to die.

Dude, call 248-442-7502. At midnight, with a voicechanger.
By Goldia