Define Ali Meaning

An awesome person. Doesn't need to be a male can also be female. Someone who is always up to do anything for a laugh and is nice, caring and HOT ontop of that. Don't just call ya mates Ali, pick out a random from the street, nudge ya mate and let em know ya laid ya lucky eyes on an Ali!

Ben - Yo man did you check that chick?
Greg - What the blonde hottie?
Ben - Yeah god what a fucking Ali
Greg - Shit yeah. Agreed
By Xylia
a extremely hot young woman. very thin, and very curvy. nice hips, ass, and chest. amazing in bed. always excites her partner. the girl next door that every guy wants.

guy 1:"how hot was that girl you banged"
guy 2:"man she was a total ali"
guy 1:"luckyy!!!"
By Zorana
ali is a very attractive young man with a sense of humour though he can get annoying at times with his smartass comments eg. "ye walla"

if you need anyone to talk to you can count on ali.
ali will agree to be friends with benefits but if you don't fall in love with him he will turn crazy and try to murder your parents.

wow ali has big lips
By Myrta
he is SUSHI and hes this leb dude that knows like 500473846728 iranian revolution songs and this dude never sleeps

is that an ali?
noway get some sushi
By Violette
a fat ass ugly ass pig that looks like a monkey

By Elfreda
A twerking man whose feces smells like lavender

"Is that a flower patch rubbing my back?"
"No, that's Ali."
By Ella
ali is the homie
he is so nice and cute
he loves you unconditionally
ali is the goat!

Ali is so fly and cute and innocent
By Elinor

"How tall is your brother?"
"Oh, he's really ali."
By Sheena
Ali is so cute and kind!
Ali is the best and he is very innocent!
Ali is so adorable and everyone likes him like he likes everyone back!
Ali is the best Husband, Boyfriend, Son, Dad, Friend!

Ali is the best!

Ali is so cute and kind!
Ali is the best and he is very innocent!
Ali is so adorable and everyone likes him like he likes everyone back!
Ali is the best Husband, Boyfriend, Son, Dad, Friend!

Ali is the best!
By Chelsea
A generic species of camel shaggers. Those that go by the subgroup of Keshmand and be identified by that characteristic sticky hands and an unhealthy obsession of strange animations which frequently feature obscene hand movements. Members of the Keshmand group come in 2 distinct builds (short and wide with permanent lenses or of average height, thin with temporary lenses) but share the same lack of life and time spent jerking over PCs, Macs, PSPs, DSa and other computer related jargon although the short and wide type will spend 90% more time uttering the foul rubbish known as bullshit.

Me: Why is your hand sticky?
Ali: I was watching Naruto.

Ali: (to some random guy) I know more Dragonball characters than you
Random Guy: I have a life

Beg friend: Whats up?
Ali: I have downloaded all the Pokemon episodes ever created, it taken 38 gig of my hard drive.
Beg friend: Right, Whats up?

Ali: (to nerd) I know more about photoshop than you.
Nerd: (silenced)
By Heddie