Define Ass Meaning

(_!_) = Normal Ass
(__!__) = Big Ass
(!) = Tight Ass
(_?_) = Dumb Ass
(_E=MC2_) = Smart Ass
(_$_) = Rich Ass
(_x_) = Kiss My Ass
(_X_) = Get Off My Ass

By Ammamaria
An animal that hee-haws.

By Colline

By Ann
something i happen to accidentally grab every time i walk by a hot girl.

-oh, my bad
By Theresita
Originally just the name for the donkey, this word had no filthy connotations until about the late 1700s, early 1800s, when the pronunciation of true (English) word for the backside, "arse", had changed enough to sound much like "ass", seeing as how the English often don't pronounce the "r" when they speak.

To avoid any unwanted baggage associated with the word, the name of the ass was changed to "donkey". As a result, the word "arse" has disappeared from American vocabulary.

Although before World War I they were similar, the British pronunciations of "ass" /æs/ and "arse" /ɑːs/ are now very different.

-"Joe, how do you say donkey in Spanish?"
-"How would you spell it?"
-"... it seems that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground."
By Papagena
word inserted between an adjective and a noun for seemingly no reason at all

Dude: Man, that's some hot ass bitches!!

Gal: Girl, look at them ugly ass boys!!

Mom: I'm tired of these bad ass kids!!

Teacher: Get ready to take this hard ass test!!

Meteorologist: There's a 30% chance it's gonna be a hot ass day!!
By Hyacinthie
A part of your body that has most of all chances to be kicked.

I hate that mazafacker, man. He's gonna have his ass kicked!
By Tasha
1. Anus.
2. A Donkey.
3. Person who acts like a donkey or an anus.

1. It ain't ass until you feel the heat.
2. Pedro walked his ass to the watering hole.
3. Bob is an ass.
By Liz

By Loella
another definition for sleeping with a female; having sexual intercourse with someone. Not to be directly associated with the anus or rectum.

1) Man I has got to gets me some ass tonight!

2) Did you get some ass last night?
By Vi