Define Audiophilability Meaning

Audiophilability is the direct embodiment of one's ability as an audiophile to distinguish the good from the bad, the 50 cent from the Ice Cube, the Sony Xplod from the Audison Theses of the acoustic world. One can increase one's audiophilability simply by talking in such a way that suggests, like many academics, they actually know very little about their subject matter. Indeed, one can purchase more audiophilability by selling just about everything they own to buy the next amp with a special electron coating that allows you to really feel the music...

Dayum! TheyDon'tWantMusic's audiophilability has just shrunken to new lows with that last comment about Digital Designs being good for SQ....
By Cheslie
Someone who usually looks at young audio equipment. And rapes it through various input and often output sockets.

"omfg an audiophile is touching my stereo!"
" Hes insertin a long jack plug in my amp!"
By Reena
1. A person who tells a story that is so execrable that you feel like your ear has been violated.

2. This is a person that makes you break out in a cold sweat and shudder when he says "So something interesting happened today..."

3. Someone that triggers your fight-or-flight response just by speaking.

Dude, that story sucked balls. Quit being an audiophile.

So my carpool buddy decided to be an audiophile on the way home today. He felt a burning need to tell me about the consistency of his bowel movements. I couldn't get away! We were on the interstate for fuck's sake!
By Mignon
One who enjoys sex acts involving the ear.

After they stopped kissing, Jenny felt something touch her ear. She sighed. Why did she always end up with the audiophiles?
By Velvet
Some one who enjoys music as much as pedophiles like kids

Ah yea Iā€™m a audiophile bro. All I need to survive in life is music
By Myrah
The philosophy of extracting all of the possible sonic and acoustical capabilities out of high fidelity stereos, or home theater equipment into that of a more correct representation that mimics the original audio recording. This can be done through several methods. The main ingridients for this philosophy are "separation and isolation" of audio frequencies, electro magnetic interference, vibration and resonance, and radio frequency interference. Another ingredient is that the conductance between electric audio signal transfer must also be kept high with low resistant materials being present within the specific components' circuitry. The most accurate type of amplification of this audio signal must be applied in order to hear music at desired audible levels with the least amount of harmonic distortion.

Through the practice of audiophilism I am able to provide an excellent soundstage and stereo imagery within my acoustically treated listening room.
By Cristi
A person who is passionate about audio. Also would prefer sparkly mids over bass.

Audiophiles hate cheap headphones more than anything. They think spending 5000 dollars on a headphone is justifiable.
By Moll
The philosophy of extracting all of the possible sonic and accoustical capabilities out of high fidelity equipment (stereos Home Theaters) into that of a more correct representaion that mimics the original audio recording. This can be done through several methods. The main ingredients for this philosophy are "sepperation and isolation" of audio frequencies, electro magnetic interference, vibration and resonance, and radio frequency interferance. Another ingrediant is that the conductance between electric audio signal transfer must also be kept high with low resistant materials being present within the specific componets circuitry. The most accurate type of amplification of this audio signal must be applied in order to hear music at desired audible levels with the least amount of harmonic distortion.

Through the practice of audiophilism I am able to provide an excellent soundstage and stereo imagery within my accoustically treated listening room.
By Jenn
"A lover of sound"
However as most people are lovers of music etc, the term audiophile points to people who love high end audio equipment and can distinguish between good speakers and bad ones, which cables to use, and can tell what bitrate an mp3 file is at... etc etc etc.
Audiophiles usually argue to the death as to which setup is best

'those monitors sound muddy as all hell'
"what? how can you tell good sir? I hear nothing wrong!"
'cuz i'm an audiophile you filthy monkey!'
By Meara
One who listens to the stereo rather than the music.

By Rosanne