Define Awoken Meaning

What you are after you've recently turned woke.

Yeah, Bob's been woke for a while, bit Tim just got awokened yesterday.
By Renae
(n): a ritualistic attack in which 2 or more woke individuals insult and belittle a stranger that they perceive to be insensitive to social justice issues, usually on social media.

Sarah and Courtney took offense when a lady posted that she didn’t care for black leggings, so they initiated an awokening to set her straight dive she was obviously a racist.
By Prudi
1) Above woke

"Nafew is very awoken."
By Maitilde
Out Awoken
Being the last person awake in a what's app or bbm session thus not having to say good night to anyone.

"Dan are you still there?" nope he's gone iv out awoken him.
By Melessa
N: when 2 or more woke individuals gang up on someone who said something they perceive as wrong, usually on benign social media posts that have nothing to do with the offense that’s been perceived.

Sarah and Mya felt the need to express their outrage with a grand awokening. They made sure that stranger was put in her place for the obvious racism in her comment that she doesn’t like black leggings.
By Ralina
The Lion Has Awoken From His Den
When I guy wakes up and has a morning boner

Ah, what a beautiful morning. Oh look, the Lion has awoken from his den.
By Alyce