Define Biggus Meaning

Another way to say "aight." Derived from a T9 Word error.

A: Yo I'll be there in five minutes.
B: Biggu.
By Leese
Another way of saying 'Aight' in a text message where T9 typing system fails to work.

By Margarette
Biggus Dickus
Pontius Pilate's fwiend from Wome in The Life of Brian. Biggus Dickus has a wife named Incontinentia Buttox you know.

Let me come with you, Pontiuth. I may be of thome athithtanthe if there ith a thudden crithith!
By Whitney
Biggus Caddus
A man who repeatedly acts in an ungentlemanly or untrustworthy manner, with deliberate disregard for another's feelings or rights.

While seemingly proper and trustworthy, Tiger Woods was actually a Biggus Caddus.
By Tiphani
Biggus Dickus
Is a friend of Pontius Pilate Whom can’t seem to work out what is so funny about his name. He Is often ridiculed by the common soldiery also has a wife you know what her name is incontinentia buttocks.

“Does and body else feel like a little giggle when I mention my friends name....biggus dickus
By Tiphani
Biggus Dickus
The name of a fictional character played by Graham Chapman in the Monty Python film Life of Brian. Nowadays the name is used as a joke on Ifunny and Tumblr as a way to say Big D*ck without being flagged for an inappropriate comment on a post.
Side-Note: the guards in the Biggus Dickus scene were supposed to have a straight face the entire time but Graham Chapman decided to put a spin on the way he said the name and the director decided to use it in the final cut of the film.

Pontius Pilate : I will not have my fwiends widiculed by the common soldiewy. - - Anybody else feel like a little... giggle... when I mention my fwiend... Biggus...

another guard chuckles

Pontius Pilate : ... Dickus?

more chuckling

Pontius Pilate : What about you? Do you find it... wisible... when I say the name... 'Biggus'...


Pontius Pilate : ... Dickus?

both guards chuckle

So all I gotta say to get top comment is Biggus Dickus?
By Darlene
Biggus Annus
Biggus annus is the Latin name for a woman whose arse resembles than of a small hippo.
Also the Latin name for the larger than usual woman name Anne.
This condition is caused by spending ones life gorging on a selection of donuts cake crisps and McDonalds to excess, like a human black hole and not walking for more than a few yards a day

When a biggus annus gets on the bus she needs to purchase two tickets.. One for each arse cheek.
By Marget
Biggus Dickus
While a largely unknown person, Biggus Dickus is said to be a very great friend of Caesar. Anyone daring to laugh at his name is said to end up being a gladiator. His wife's name is Incontinentia Buttocks.

I heard this dude ended up as a gladiator because he laughed when he heard the name 'Biggus Dickus'.
By Sarette
Niggus Biggus
When you see someone again for the first time in a while and they grew hella

Tyrone: “damn nigga, I haven’t seen Jamal since last year. He so tall!”
Darnell: “he grew so much it’s like magic, maybe someone casted Niggus Biggus on him.
By Honoria
a mega shit found only under elephants fed expired beans. also the jesus christ of fags/retards

mj was a biggus.
clay acne is a bigger biggus
By Ardath