Define Bikelife Meaning

Keeps kids out of trouble and let’s them express there self keeps kids from doing drugs

Yo I’m Bikelife 2 u tryna ride
By Aurie
#973Bikeife bikelife a worldwide sport where people ride in larger groups and pop wheelies for block and miles.

Nas_hnm runs NJ bikelife #973BikeLife this what we do.
By Yetty
631 Bikelife
A group of Suffolk County kids mostly boys around ages 12-16ish that ride bikes everywhere acting like they’re the shit.
Mostly in the town of Islip area. amos~ daisyy.morann

The 631 bikelife just passed my house, they make me sick.
By Lisabeth
516 Bikelife
A bunch of fuckbois who travel in herds on bikes doing 'cool' bike tricks

516 bikelife we out here
By Dede
845 Bikelife
players and assholes that are mean and tell people to die

“oh look it’s the 845 bikelife kids”
ewww they are so mean
By Idalina