Define Blackmailer Meaning

To force (someone) to do something by using threats or manipulating their feelings.

E.g. CNN threatened to broadcast a Reddit posters personal information to over 2 billion people worldwide unless he took down and apologised for a hilarious meme he (allegedly) made of president Trump wrestling CNN WWF style, that is actually blackmail.
By Tansy
Blackmail refers to a situation that arises when a person threatens another person with some form of punishment if they do not offer some form of concessions. Blackmail is usually the result of one person somehow obtaining embarassing information about another and threatening to disclose it unless some form of payment (money or favors) is offered. The term originates from the words "black" and "mail", which referred to the dark or threatening nature of the letters (mail) that were received detailing the threat. Although blackmail usually entails paying a price to obtain another person's silence about an embarassing situation, it need not involve an actual event before it can be conducted. The threat of embarassing someone for a contrived event can be enough to conduct blackmail effectively, provided the threat is believable.

Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition frequently tells companies that if they do not donate to their cause and hire their members, they will accuse them of racism and organize commerce-damaging protests. Whether any racism exists or not, the threat of income loss and negative publicity is enough to extract blackmail money.
By Julee
Something that my friend entitled Juice Shoe calls threatening to tell my crush I like him if I refuse to do her bidding.

stop blackmailing me!! It's not nice and illegal

By Gloriane
noun: a horrible or funny embarrassing picture of a friend or someone that you know that you are able to use against them
verb: (to) blackmail; to take an embarrassing picture or to use an embarrassing picture against somebody.

i'm blackmailing him with a baby picture!
By Trudi

A mail addressed to someone who is black is called blackmail.
By Dianna
To beat someone in any sort of athletic event

Man, he blackmailed me in that track & field race!
By Gilli
Emotional Blackmail
When the people in your life use fear, obligation, and guilt to manipulate you. It is a very powerful form of manipulation in which the person directly or indirectly threatens to punish you if you don't compile with how they want you to behave.

Some examples of things Emotional Blackmailers say are: "If you really loved me..." "After all I've done for you..." "How can you be so selfish..."

An emotional blackmail artist will use your vulberabilities and deepest secrets against you.
By Sidoney
Facebook Blackmail
Using a Friends recent news to peer into their social life. Then using such information against them

Sean was not careful about his news feed, now we can facebook Blackmail him
By Zilvia
Emotional Blackmail
A form of blackmail that usually doesn't affect you directly, however makes you feel guilty if you do not do what the blackmailer wants.

Emotional blackmail often happens when someone refuses to be the blackmailer's boyfriend/girlfriend.

Emotional Blackmail often consists of crying, cutting themselves, or even as far as threatening to commit suicide.
By Elka
Sexual Blackmail
The fear that upon a break-up/divorce the other party will use your sexual fantasies and/or tendencies and divulge them openly to other people or during the course of the divorce process so all things said are maintained in public record. This natural fear of being sexually blackmailed will ultimately keep you from leaving your significant other and you will continue to live your life as a shell of who you are.

Caleb - "I really want to get a divorce but I'm afraid if I do she will tell everyone that I like to dress up as 'The Gimp'. It's fucking sexual blackmail!"

Gabriel - "Yeah man, that sucks......wait you dress up as The Gimp?"
By Aubry