Define Blockchain Meaning

Blockchain can include all kinds of distributed databases and applications with varying levels of decentralization.

When you buy a cryptocurrency, you might not know that the blockchain will be maintained.
By Jolie
Blockchain is digitized, decentralized and continuously growing public ledger that consist of records called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography

While it is most commonly associated with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency applications, the blockchain is capable of so much more
By Jessy
Blockchain As A Service
Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) is an offering that allows customers to leverage cloud-based solutions to build, host and use their own blockchain apps, smart contracts and functions on the blockchain while the cloud-based service provider manages all the necessary tasks and activities to keep the infrastructure agile and operational.

BOB: I need to create a blockchain, who am I going to call?

ALICE: Call ChainZilla, they offer blockchain as a service
By Izabel
Dark Blockchain
Dark Blockchain is a term that literally doesn't mean anything. It just sounds cool.

Employer: So, what are your past qualifications for this job?
Kevin: I am a dark blockchain expert.
By Berny
Blockchain Dickhead
When and individual is a dickhead and everyone discovers this at the same time and a consensuses is formed. Like the blockchain the opinion is immutable and cannot be changed.

Person A says "Donald Trump is a blockchain dickhead" and Persons B, C, D, E...X, Y & Z confirm through independent verification and say "Yes I independently verify this"
By Tasia
Blockchain Information Model
The Blockchain Information Model is a digital 3d representation of manufacturers’ products that access an incorruptible digital ledger in a distributed database.

Blockchain information modeling promises to bring as much radical change to the retail value chain as did the Internet.
By Marcellina