Define Literally Meaning

Who fucking knows anymore? First, it meant factual, and now it means fictional. What the fuck, internet... what the fuck?

wrong-->"Oh my god, Jessica, your post literally scared me to death" right--> "I literally wrote this post at 3:04 A.M."
By Genni
used to describe something that actually happens or exists. One of the most overused words in modern society. Not to be confused with figuratively, as this is the complete opposite.

Incorrect usage:

A: It was literally raining cats and dogs.

B: Really dipshit? How many scratches do you have?

Correct usage:
A: Dude, Justin Bieber literally has half a billion views on YouTube.
B: Shit, really? Now I know the world is coming to an end
By Eveline
Truthfully actual. Not figuratively.

Used when not bullshitting or by fake cats pretending not to.

"I literally sucked on those jugs!"
By Dulcy
a much misused adverb, often for emphasis

"I literally died of embarrassment."

"Really? How was reincarnation, you fucking illiterate dipshit?"
By Gilberta
A good way to show that you are a total drama queen twit is to use the term 'literally' to describe every mundane thing that you do in life

'dude.. i literally died'

'oh... its a shame you are literally still alive though'
By Bobby
literally, actually, really, seriously, not figuratively

Person: i'm literally a polar bear
By Carlye
People often confuse this word with figuratively.

-Dude, you figuratively died of embarassment, you illiterate dipshit.
By Marje
A four syllable word used by monkeys to add emphasis and impress people. Monkeys who use the word don't understand what it means.

Dude: If that monkey says literally one more time I'll stomp him.
Chick: Literally?
Dude: Well, no.
By Pepita
A word my girlfriend and her friends use to pronunciate everything....literally

Literally, you need to stop saying that word....Literally you have said that word one thousand times today. I am so sick of that word, literally!!.....
By Lea

literallyfiguratively newspeak orwellian
By Deeyn