Define My Girlfriend Meaning

My Girlfriend
The most often subject discussed on internet forums, usually by people who want to seem cool but sadly have nothing better to do.

Yah my girlfriend and i got soooo high and went to some concert i hav no idea what it was but anyway i gotta go i think my mom...i mean my grrlfriend iz calling me.
By Elsie
My Girlfriend
literally the best person in the world. I have no idea how I deserve this absolute GODDESS. she makes me the happiest I've ever been.

I love how amazing and beautiful she is!! that's my baby
By Matty
My Girlfriend
literally the best person in the world. she makes me the happiest person ever and I can't imagine how I deserve a goddess in my life.

I adore the most amazing, talented, beautiful person in the world, my girlfriend.
By Bert
My Girlfriend
she is the saviour of all things sweet and gorgeous, the epitome of all things loved and treasured, and i wish so desperately that she could understand how important she is, for everything from the tilt of the earth to remembering to feed her cat. her great struggles will not go unrewarded, and until the day when i get to hold her forever in our own little home with 12 cats and 5 kids, i will write stupid poems and give her fleeting smiles from 6 feet away if it means i get to live it with her. i love her so much, internet. its incredible.

Person: hey, how great is your girlfriend?
Me: my girlfriend? she's just perfect.
By Dot
My Girlfriend

friend: you have a girlfriend?

me: ...yes.

friend: so you are dating a female woman who exists.

me: ....she does. my girlfriend lives in michigan.

friend: sure she does hunty
By Sella
My Girlfriend

My girlfriend is crazy
By Adey
My Girlfriend

I use My Girlfriend to make love in my bed at night. She's always down to Fuck at any point in the day
By Delly
My Girlfriend
Oh sorry i meant ex

My girlfriend dumped me because she thought i was ugly
By Robinet
My Girlfriend

my girlfriend is,.....
By Edwina
My Girlfriend

By Sella