Define C.s Meaning

the same as CS, another abreviation for Counterstrike

wanna go play some C.S.? ya we'll knife the fools
By Camala
1.Cock Sucker
2.Cock Sucking
3.Counter Sucking
4.Cock Strike

CoolDude23: are you a pro CSer?
GayDude96: f0 sh0, iM 1337 a7 cS bI4tCh!
By Andie
Abreviation for Counter-Strike. The best computer game ever created.

Dude, lets go play some CS
By Chandra
The abbreviaton for "Counterstrike" a complete peice of shit that is only populated by 13 year olds who aren't aware that being good at a stupid videogame will not get then any pussy. Originally an addon for Half-Life, its "supposed" to be a counter-terrorism simulation. A far more accurate (and far more fun) game is america's army, which counter-strike wished it could be. even with the half life 2 source engine, counterstrike is still a pile of shit that hasn't had its balls drop.

Kids who think they're ''leet'' go play C.S. Real men play america's army and go fuck their girlfriends.

Stupid Kiddie: "Hey man, you wanna go play some C.S.?"
intelligent person: "No. Fuck you. I would rather give oprah a rimjob than sit through a single round of counterstrike."
By Lilla
C.S. stands for Cock Silhouette. It's the male version of Camel Toe. When dudes pants are so tight you can see the shape, or silhouette, of their cacker. Male camel toe.

Damn look at the C.S. on the Isley Brothers wearin them tight ass pants in the 70's!!
By Claudia
C.S. Lewis
'Tis my SUPREME HONOR to be the first to write a, brief biography...of C.S. Lewis on urbandictionary.

Clive Staples Lewis (1898 - 1963) - Better known as "Jack" Lewis by his circle of friends the Inklings (which included J.R.R. Tolkien, among others) and his family, C.S. Lewis was described by those who knew him best as "a man in love with the imagination". Fellow and Tutor in English at Magdalen College, Oxford University (1925-1954) and later Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University (1954-1963), Lewis devoted his life to being influential on the world through his intellectual/literary pursuits. He authored the prolific Chronicles of Narnia children's fantasy series, The Space Trilogy(a science fiction series), Till We Have Faces(a modern telling of the Psyche myth), theology-based fictions such as The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, and The Pilgrim's Regress, and now time-honored works on Christian reflection such as Mere Christianity, The Abolition of Man, The Problem of Pain, Miracles, The Four Loves, Reflections on the Psalms, and A Grief Observed. Though he considered himself "only a layman" of the Anglican Church, Lewis wrote with the theological know-how and incisive wit of a man with years of seminary education. Though he passed away on the same day as President Kennedy and is now asleep in the Lord, every year Lewis continues to deeply influence millions who discover the joy of reading his works for the first time.

"Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. How many hours are in a mile? Is yellow square or round? Probably half the questions we ask -- half the great theological and metaphysical problems -- are like that."
- A Grief Observed
By Marena
C.S. Lewis
A man who came into Christianity kicking and screaming. He was extremely intelligent and was reasoned into Christianity after being an athiest for most of his life as a young adult. It had nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with Truth.
His books make those who read them realize that becoming a Christian is meant to expand your mind as well as your faith. It's about being able to give an answer for why you believe something, not just saying that you blindly believe it. C.S. Lewis knows his stuff, and makes you want to know it too.

Mere Christianity is a book written by C.S. Lewis that tells what Christians believe and why it makes sense.
By Vally
Siglas que representan: Consejo de Sabios (Marbella, Lunamar). Este grupo de personas muy porroencima del restp fue creado el 2 de Agosto de 2007 y nunca morira. Viva el administrador. GZ

La bombilla no se apagará ~ C.S 💡
By Anne