Define Carmilla Meaning

web series (on youtube) based on the novel Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu

Have you already watched Carmilla?
- Yes, and I am so excited that there will be a second season!
By Valentine
A vampiric character featured in the story "Carmilla" by J. Sheridan LeFanu.

More importantly, this is the name of the coolest, sexiest and most interesting female user of The twin sister of Nephthys, Carmilla is best recognised by her devil horns, her interesting posts and her ability to entertain all who know her.

Carmilla is the coolest user on!
By Collie

Nephthys and Carmilla are so much alike that they are twins!
By Aime
Carmilla Karnstein
The best lesbian vampire you will ever encounter. She knows everything about the philosophy & her style is edgy af.

Jane: hey did you watch the latest Carmilla episode?
Katy: of course I did! Carmilla Karnstein is so insightful and badass.

Jane: I know! Carmilla and Laura Hollis are my OTP
By Maudie