Define Claudio Meaning

Name of the coolest, hottest, tightest guy I know.

Jicila luvs one of her best friends. His name is CLAUDIO.
By Gerianne
name for someone who provides an endless supply of quotable quotes that have a humor value independant of the speaker's level of inebriation

" it has four engines... i mean seats " ~claudio
By Etheline
*Typical "Italian-fantasy-guy" name
*The first love that some girl met in an art museum in Italy when she was 16. Follows him around the world via e-mails to meet agin 4 years later in New York like in the movie "An Affair to Remember"...only without the crippled legs.
*also see; "Fabio"...twin brother with Typical "Italian-fantasy-guy" name.

crystal~"oh, that's a picture of Claudio". Heidi~"wow, he's hot...does he have a brother?" Crystal~"Yeah, his name is Fabio" Heidi~"I wanna go to Italy!"
By Kylynn
A cool as dude who loves ricegum and is very experience with memes Also booty his booty is out of this world

By Wendie
Homosexually inclined.

By Diann
bumdartus maximus

a man with no palli who enjoys taking cazzo up his culo

By Kirstin
man who dances with fun men budes and is gaye. homoe

What a claudio. he is such a fage. homoe.
By Marget
Someone or something that represents godly and strong. A person of this quality is brave, mentally strong - though they may not show it often, trusting, handsome, not very sexually experienced but a great lover, and is there for anyone that needs him/her.

A thing of this quality is usually fun, awesome, and something you had a good experience with. It also shows something that you want or like to have.

Oh God Claudio was so romantic!
By Margeaux
A straight up bawla that is amazing at every sport. He is the one with the most assists on every team of every sport, and he can score too. This is one of those people that are one of a kind, and will always mind fuck you with everything he says. He is also super tall and makes awesome jokes. Also whenever you beat him at anything he will say it was luck, but the one time he beats you he will go crazy saying that he is amazing and that you suck.

You see Claudio
Me: Hey did you see my nasty goal yesterday?
Claudio: It was good.... But not as good as my three nasty assits!!!
By Florette
claudio is the coolest guy ever and lead singer of Coheed and Cambria

By Bryna